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What are the problems of having a child at an older age?

 What are the problems of having a child at an older age?

Many women experience painful periods. Young women are also seen suffering from this problem. Painful periods can sometimes lead to endometriosis or chocolate cysts, and chocolate cysts can lead to infertility. Today we will learn more about it from an expert doctor.

Just as pregnancy at a young age has adverse effects on the mother's health, so too if the mother is at an older age, it has an adverse effect on the health of the mother and the child.According to medical science, the ideal age to become a mother is 20-22 years. Age up to 25 years is considered fairly safe. However, pregnancy above the age of 28 is considered a high-risk pregnancy and those who are going to become a mother after the age of 35 are identified as 'high-risk mothers'.

Risk aspects

Problems with conception: At birth, a girl child comes into the world with a certain number of eggs in her ovaries. At puberty, when menses become regular, one ovulation occurs every month, about 12 eggs per year. That is, as a woman ages, the number of eggs decreases.Not only that, the egg quality also decreases. The same is the case with seasonal fruits or vegetables at the end of the specified period. Pregnancy requires healthy and defect-free eggs. A healthy egg fertilized by the husband's sperm initiates a healthy human life.A woman in her thirties can have many problems conceiving. At this age, if you try to conceive for six months and fail, you are asked to consult a doctor. The couple suffered from depression due to problems conceiving.

High blood pressure: With increasing age, the prevalence of certain diseases can be observed. High blood pressure is especially important among them. Due to pregnancy, the mother's blood pressure increases. Many take high blood pressure medication. They should conceive only after blood pressure is controlled with safe medication at appropriate doses. If blood pressure is not controlled during pregnancy, it can have serious effects on the mother and the unborn child.

Diabetes: A woman's risk of developing diabetes increases with age. Those who have a history of diabetes in their family, this risk is more. Apart from that, special hormones increase blood sugar levels during pregnancy.Therefore, those who already have diabetes or have diabetes in their family, any woman can develop diabetes during pregnancy, which we call Gestational Diabetes. It is very important to note that if diabetes is not diagnosed or controlled during pregnancy, it can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, birth defects, breathing problems after birth, and even the life of the mother.

Eclampsia: If high blood pressure gets out of control during pregnancy, the life of the mother and the baby are at serious risk. The mother's body parts may be damaged and the mother may have convulsions. This problem usually occurs in the last three months of pregnancy.
This situation is more common in the case of older mothers, especially mothers above thirty-five and very young mothers, i.e. mothers below 18 years of age. Eclampsia during pregnancy is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality in World.

Other problems that may occur

1.For older mothers, the risk of miscarriage or loss of pregnancy increases with age.
2.Premature births are on the rise.
3.Low birth weight, twins, stillbirths are more common among older mothers.

The need for caesarean section is higher

As a woman ages, the contraction-expansion capacity of the pelvic bone cage decreases, which becomes an obstacle for normal delivery. Apart from that, due to late or medical delivery, other risk conditions during pregnancy etc., the need for cesarean operation is more in case of older mothers.

Effects of Gestational Age: Current medical studies have shown that the average life expectancy of children born to older mothers is shorter than that of children born to younger mothers. Not only that, children of older mothers are more likely to develop diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease at an early age. These reactions are thought to be related to the quality of the mother's eggs.

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