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Is it possible to lose weight without diet?

Dieting is the first thing that comes to our mind to lose weight. Our brain assumes that we can lose weight only by skipping meals. These days there are keto diets, crash diets for weight loss. Maybe you can lose a few kilos in a few days by doing these diets. But it is unhealthy for your body. Various deficiencies occur in the body. You don't need to eat only cooked food to lose weight. You can lose excess weight by making small lifestyle changes.

Diet or healthy food?

As soon as people hear the word dieting, they assume that they have to eat plain salads and boiled vegetables. For this many people move away. Dieting actually means not eating foods that contribute to weight gain. That doesn't mean you have to starve. You don't even have to cut out delicious foods from your diet.Don't think of dieting as something difficult, look at it from a healthy eating perspective. Avoid eating fast food, oily food, sweet food while dieting. For snacks, you can eat fruit salad instead of Singara. Instead of eating out in the afternoon, make some healthy snacks at home. Try to gradually eat a balanced diet like this. It will give you amazing results.

Lifestyle changes

Make lifestyle changes to lose weight. We all need a variety of vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, carbohydrates and even good fats in our bodies. A balanced diet should be consumed to meet this requirement of the body. Remember that the goal of a diet is to provide the body with the nutrients it needs.Supporting good health and wellness. So try to give all the ingredients to your body every day. Arrange the food list so that all ingredients are included. Have breakfast on time in the morning. Eat something light every two hours. Do not eat too much at once. Drink plenty of water.

Foods that must be eaten

If you eat bread, try red flour bread. Choose red rice for rice as well. Also watch your protein intake. Cheese, spinach, pulses are sources of protein. Choose foods rich in lean protein, such as egg whites and chicken breast meat. Drink fresh fruit juice instead of sugary lemonade. Include almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds in your diet. Definitely try to have 2-3 fruits daily.

Regular workout

Along with diet, physical activity is essential to keep the body active. Exercise doesn't just increase blood circulation. Rather, it will make you feel less lazy. Exercise for 30-40 minutes at least 5 days a week. Do physical exercises like skipping, yoga, cycling, swimming. A healthy diet and regular exercise will achieve huge results for your overall health.

 Source - Times of India

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