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Do not eat even if you are hungry

 Do not eat even if you are hungry

Many people are familiar with the term 'gograss eating'. Due to extreme hunger, many eat what they can get at hand. It is only natural that one would go to extremes to curb hunger. But in such a situation, some common foods can cause danger. As surprising as it may sound, consuming certain foods during extreme hunger is absolutely inappropriate. Let's have a look at the list of those foods-


Not to eat fruit on an empty stomach - many have heard the saying. It is not possible to survive long after eating an apple or a banana. As a result, your sense of hunger will return quickly. So you can eat any food with protein added to it. A small amount of nuts, peanut butter or cheese can be eaten with the fruit.

salty food

Many people are a little late to eat lunch. So many people get through this episode with what they get at hand at this time. And in this case, many people choose Jhal food. But this practice can cause problems. It can cause your digestive problems. Also, eating salty food on an empty stomach has a direct effect on your stomach. But there is a solution. You can have milk or curd before taking jhal food. This will reduce the effect of jhal on the stomach.

Oranges, coffee or sauce

Eating these foods on an empty stomach creates acidity. This creates the possibility of stomach upset. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach is extremely harmful, especially for those with gastric problems.

Biscuits or chips

A small packet of biscuits or chips does not last long in the stomach. The carbohydrates in them will be digested in no time. As a result, you will begin to feel hungry quickly, which can put you in danger on the road. In that case you can eat any food of 250-300 calories. For example, a sandwich or a cake.

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